Thank you for applying for membership in Partners in Education, a non-profit business and student alliance. Membership is the core of PIE involvement and the active participation and support of members helps ensure that tomorrow’s workforce will meet the needs of business.

Please complete the following application as thoroughly as possible so we can evaluate your information. If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Colangelo, PHR, executive director of Partners in Education, at 570-450-6314.

  • Company Information

  • Company Profile

  • Choose Membership Level

  • $0.00

Your company’s return on investment of becoming a PIE business partner includes:

  • An active role in creating a bridge between business and education
  • A voice in the education and development of your potential future workforce
  • Enhance corporate image and becoming a good corporate citizen
  • Share physical and technical resources
  • Opportunity to develop workplace projects emphasizing the importance of academic, technical and employability skills
  • Job shadowing, internships and other opportunities to benefit students and businesses
  • A position on the PIE Board of Directors and sharing in the decision
    making and leadership activities
  • Listing on PIE’s website
  • Tax deduction on membership gifts
  • Interact directly with students and education leaders