For more information on creating a business partnership with Greater Hazleton Partners in Education, contact Cathy Colangelo, PHR, Executive Director at (570) 450-6314 or email

  • Partners in Education (PIE) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, incorporated in 2000, that consists of local business and education partners who are focused on ensuring that all students leave school with the academic, technical and employability skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century.
  • In addition to ensuring students are prepared to make informed career decisions, the organization’s mission also includes providing the students with an understanding of the career opportunities available in Northeastern Pennsylvania, enabling students to remain in the area to fulfill their career goals.
  • The partnership has 19 business and education members
  • PIE also has a Student Advisory Committee made of up students representatives from Hazleton Area, Weatherly Area and Crestwood High Schools
  • Student serving on the Advisory Committee have an opportunity to participate in various business projects as well as meaningful career related activities.
  • PIE provides area students and teachers with information regarding the importance of career planning, career clusters and decision making. Job shadowing experiences, opportunities for classroom speakers from the workplace as well as an opportunity to participate in integrated projects including students and the workplace are just some of the programs PIE has to offer.
  • PIE works with area teachers to help them understand skills required in workplace and encourage integration of such skills in curriculum.
  • PIE provides programing to help ensure that students are aware of career opportunities available in the area.
  • PIE works directly with educators to provide meaningful curriculum experiences for all students.

The Greater Hazleton Partners in Education is a non-profit organization that is funded entirely through membership fees and contributions. All resources from PIE are directed to member schools to support educational initiatives approved by PIE.

Member companies pay an annual fee based on the number of employees.

Partners in Education is also an approved educational improvement organization under the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC). This program was established by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and allows approved companies to received tax credit for up to 90% of the contribution made to an EITC approved program such as Partners in Education.

The Greater Hazleton Partners in Education actively seeks opportunities for interested business, organizations and individuals to interact directly with students and education leaders on issues that can benefit all parties.

Representatives from education, business or community organizations interested in educational improvement are eligible for membership in PIE. Opportunities are also available to donate resources, cash and in-kind, to support educational improvement initiatives identified by Greater Hazleton Partners in Education.

As a member of the business community, a company’s return on investment of becoming a PIE business partner is:

  • Hiring or retaining well-trained employees
  • Having a workforce trained for in-demand jobs
  • Create a bridge between business and education
  • Enhancing corporate image and becoming a good corporate citizen
  •  Ensuring economic growth
  • Sharing physical and technical resources
  • Developing meaningful workplace projects emphasizing the importance of academic, technical and employability skills
  • Job shadowing, internships and other opportunities to benefit students and businesses
  • A position on the PIE Board of Directors and sharing in the decision making and leadership activities